Please Contribute

Here is a brief summary of what we are doing and why.
Please add comments to pages, and we can update them. Also you can subscribe to the feeds to keep track of new items on the site.
The more examples we can offer as evidence of what’s working and why, the better for making the points that government must work with the communities, and failures occur when this doesn’t happen. We need to counter the widespread damaging myth, promoted by media reporting that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders continue to have problems because nothing that is being done is working.
These ‘failures’ are then used to justify policies and practices that repeat past mistakes and ignore the evidence of what does work. So we need your help to identify examples and evidence of the many programs that do work because they are run by and with Indigenous people.

We have three categories:
1. What’s working now- successful projects that are run/controlled by Indigenous people
2. What was working – (until it was defunded or ran out of funds); projects like those above that were working well till policy changes (like CDEP) and/or short term funding closed them down.
3. Good work! – that acknowledges good stuff that happens in government Departments or other non Indigenous organisations that involve Indigenous decision making.

So, if you know about some projects that fit the categories, go to the contact us page on the website and give us as much detail as you have, in particular contact details for the project.

2 Responses to Please Contribute

  1. Hello What’s Working Team!

    I thought I would send you a quick note to let you know that we have recently launched our new website: We will be featuring “Good News” stories on our site from our grass roots reconciliation groups from across NSW that I welcome you to share throughout your networks.

    Our reconciliation conference is coming up on 14 November that I welcome you to attend.

    If there is anything I may be able to assist with don’t hesitate to call me on (02) 9219 0719.

    Kind Regards,

    Leanne Townsend
    NSW Reconciliation Council

  2. Congratulations on this website and please be assured of our continuing support.

    Please let us know how we can support you, including financially. We usually don’t use your information aecause we are limited to women from Victoria, but if you can source material here, we can put it on our Dialogue page.

    Kindr regards, Geraldine (Robertson)
    Women’s Web – Women’s Stories, Women’s Actions
    Tel: 03 9486 1808