Help with Site

What’s Working is looking for volunteers to help us keep the site updated.

This would involve contacting representatives from projects to make sure that the information is current and to look into projects that have been suggested for inclusion on the site. It would help if you had some experience with WordPress editing, but it’s not essential.

We are not trying to create another news site, but to focus on evidence-based research and case studies.
Please email web admin if you would like more information.

One Response to Help with Site

  1. Kaiyu Bayles says:

    Hi I love what your doing and have been wanting to be involved in this stuff. I have ideas for a national info base which highlighting positives was part of, i also want to have a central centre advertising community announcements, jobs etc and can even administer web based learning that is password protected. I live in a tin shed on Stradbroke Island and am Birri Gubba, Wanarua, Gubbi Gubbi and Wakka Wakka woman from Redfern originally. I would like to offer assistance to upkeep the sight to gain skills and contacts to continue on in getting the message out of what works and being involved in these solutions here on country.

    Hope to hear back soon. blessings Kaiyu