Social and Cultural Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing of Aboriginal Mothers in Prison (SCREAM) is a new project that plans to describe the health and social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal mothers in prison and their families in Western Australia and New South Wales.

Since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) (1991) very little has changed for Aboriginal people in prison. In particular, Aboriginal women are being incarcerated at appallingly and ever increasing rates. Western Australia and New South Wales have the dubious honour of imprisoning Aboriginal women in greater numbers than any other state or territory within Australia. Aboriginal women in prison are disproportionately vulnerable, as are their families on the outside.

SREAM are inviting Aboriginal women, community controlled services and justice organisations to actively participate in this project to inform its process, provide essential data and assist in highlighting relevant and culturally safe pathways for Aboriginal Mothers in and transferring out of prison, and their families.

This project is being led by Aboriginal researchers who will be guided by members of the Aboriginal community in their methods as well as outcomes for this project. We would like you to be a valued part of this unique research project. This project will run over 3 ½ years.

Staff involved are:

  • Dr Juanita Sherwood is the Chief Investigator for the SCREAM project in NSW. Juanita is an Aboriginal researcher who has worked in Aboriginal health and education with a focus on social justice for over 25 years in urban, rural and remote areas throughout Australia.  Juanita is currently based at the University of New South Wales.
  • Jo Courtney is the coordinator for this project

Contact SCREAM through josephine.courtney at


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