For more information on the Elder’s Statement and their concerns, see the site Concerned Australians
We are publicising the NT Elders’ Statement for use in campaigning against the Intervention. This statement was prepared by Elders from the Northern Territory who have asked us to support their struggle to regain control of their lives.
This has already been supported by Eminent Australians in a separate statement.
A petition was developed based on this statement and is available from the Treaty Republic website : The petition is to be presented to the first sitting of parliament in 2012, so please start collecting signatures.
While the Intervention remains in place I am unable to vote Labor in either state or federal elections. It undercuts all the good that was done by the National Apology on February 13, 2008. As the night-time turmoil in the streets of Alice Springs has shown us all, current practices and policies are doing little or nothing to give young Aboriginal people hope for their lives. Radical change is necessary, and it should come from the ground up, not from the top down.
Let me first state that I am not Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander but I work with many and try to understand all the complexities that are being faced.
I did not and till the day I die not support the way the Government went about their intervention, BUT and this a big BUT – the Intervention is no longer really in place. ALL UNEMPLOYED no matter of their race or colour are now income managed. This is no longer based on racist tactics (if this was indeed the reasoning).
It really is important to acknowledge that this is no longer targeting “black” australia and is now in place for EVERYONE!!! I Think this would be suitable in other parts of Australia on a case by case model (eg. I know a number of european people who should have some of their incomes quarantined to assist their children).
good on you best of luck
I support the Northern Territories Aboriginal Elders Statement
Good policy outcomes will only come from negotiation with the communities involved, and respect for international legal standards, especially the Racial Discrimination Act.
This dialogue is essential.
The number of measures with the NT Intervention have proven to have intimidated
the lives of mostly people who have the courage to stand up for issues on the ground,
of moral integrity – so what does that say about the government policy officer’s
discernment . Although it is masked, of the authorities and those in power,
it appears that money is all they are concerned about, not people’s lives,
not spirituality, not psychological wellbeing, not safety, and not integrity,but money.
I was a Labour supporter before the NT intervention, but refuse to vote Labour.
How can a Government have such an open and emotional apology to the First People’s
and still support an horrendous policy is beyond comprehension. The government is
not looking after our Aboriginal children, the intervention has affected their social
and emotional wellbeing and it has certainly taken away any self motivation and being
able to live independently\.
So you would prefer to now vote for Abbott and Co – don’t be so short sighted, when they get back in it will get worse not better
I support the Northern Territories Aboriginal Elders Statement and pray
the passion of the grass roots movements filters through to
just policy statements! Blessings and good wishes,
Geraldine Kearney sgs
I support the Northern Territories Aboriginal Elders Statement and pray
the passion of the grass roots movements filter through to
just Government policy statements! Blessings and good wishes,
Geraldine Kearney sgs
My heart goes out to the Northern Territory Elders and I fully support their
Statement. I send loving good wishes that enlightenment prevails and that their
endeavours succeed.
I fully support the Elder’s Statement regarding the Northern Territory Intervention.
It has been proved that Indigenous people are more than capable of self determination\
and after that wonderful Apology by Mr. Kevin Rudd, where the mistakes of the past
were recognized, I had hoped that the paternalistic policy which has caused so
much damage to Aboriginal people would be eradicated. As a fellow human being, I stand behind the First Nation people of this country, and cannot possibly support a party that continues to discriminate,
and therefore stifle much needed change in this country.
Yours sincerely – Sandra Kelly