
There are other sites for information on programs all over Australia which are working in communities.

One Response to Links

  1. Please could you consider adding our wedsite to your links.

    Hoping our website can be added to your website links.

    Also hoping you will place some of our work in the relevant areas e.g. ‘Loss of Rights -the Despair of Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory’ -A submission to the UN Committee on the Eliimination of Racial Discrimination (July 2010)
    and The Elders statement of 7 Feb 2011: and Appeal to the People of Australia.
    and to the Federal Parliament of Australia by 33 Eminent Australians of 7 Fed 2011.

    ‘concerned Australians’ has been advocating for an uncompromised reinstatement of the Racial Discrimination Act in the NT since its suspension in 2007. Recently the group facilitated a forum in Melbourne in which 7 Aboriginal Elders from across the NT spoke on the impacts of current government policies, particularly the NT Intervention. The Elders described harsh and extreme realities on the ground and the painful daily impacts these are having on their people, communities and culture. At the end of the evening Djapirri Mununggirritj from Yirrkala in Arnhemland, (a board member of Reconciliation Australia), read out a statement the Elders had prepared earlier.

    The statement is addressed to The People of Australia. A report of the evening can be found at

    Just prior to the evening a prepared statement from 33 eminent Australians, from across Australia, including Malcolm Fraser, Patrick Dodson, Fred Chaney, John Altman, Alastair Nicholson, Larissa Behrendt, Elizabeth Evatt and many others was released and directed to the Federal Government. The two page statement concludes,

    “We accordingly call upon the Government to start afresh, to comply with our international obligations by bringing the Northern Territory Intervention to an end, including the termination of involuntary income management and securing Aboriginal rights in accordance with the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Present flawed legislation including that purporting to re-instate the Racial Discrimination Act and s 91 of the NTER Act should be repealed and the Racial Discrimination Act reintroduced in an unqualified form.” 933 Eminent Australians see cA website for full statement)

    Some of the eminent Australians including Alastair Nicholson, Malcolm Fraser, Ian Viner (from W.A), Larissa Behrendt, Patrick Dodson, Alistair McRae and other eminent leaders were amongst over 400 people who heard from the Elders at the Melbourne University Law School, on Feb 7th. Such are the serious concerns that this evening booked out very quickly and hundreds missed out.

    The audio of the evening,both statement and further information available on the ‘concerned Australians website

    As a follow through to this evening and to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations John Cleary interviewed Djapirri Mununggirritj, Rev. Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, Jeff McMullen, Graeme Mundine and Alastair Nicholson a few days late on, 13 Feb. Alastair Nicholson highlights the serious concerns with the current legislation, a concern the UN also holds, link available on above web site.

    Many Thnks for Your Consideration. Please feel free to place any of our reports, link to the flyer for the report or flyer for This Is What We Said (Feb 2010) / othermaterial on your site.

    Kind Regrads

    Georgina Gartland
    on behalf of concerned Australians